Art & Creative

In the art and creative industries, there are great challenges to harmonize the intangible value of the product and the material satisfaction of the same. The tendencies of the modern world and the modernization of technology have contributed to the development of different types and media of art, where boundaries are pushed on a daily basis, and the regulation of law is becoming more and more challenging.


We help our clients protect the value of the artwork they create or own.


The range of services we provide in this area includes:

  • protection of intellectual property;
  • consulting in complex international transactions;
  • producer agreements and agreements for financing projects;
  • purchase, sale and borrowing of works of art;
  • sponsorship agreements;
  • insurance of works of art;
  • agreements that protect the rights of artists;
  • representation and mediation agreements;
  • establishment and operation of funds and other investment structures in the art industry;
  • work of collective management organizations of artists’ rights;
  • resolving disputes.


Our lawyers have been successfully finding solutions tailored to the specific practices and needs of their clients in this field: artists, galleries, museums, foundations, auction houses, collectors, insurance companies, publishing houses.