Employment and Immigration

The employment issues are extremely sensitive, and crucial for the business of each company.


Our team provides advice in all areas of labor law, human resources and immigration, both nationally and internationally, taking into account the sensitivity and complex aspects of labour relations, set within the framework of extremely rigid regulations.


We advise and represent foreign citizens who plan to stay and work in Serbia, as well as employers who employ foreign citizens in all procedures necessary to regulate the employment status of foreign citizens.


The spectrum of our services includes:

  • Drafting internal acts, policies and procedures. We prepare internal acts in accordance
    with the specifics of the industry in which the client operates, as well as the general
    labor policy of the company. We also provide services for adapting and implementing
    foreign general policies to domestic regulations;
  • Drafting all types of employment contracts, outside employment contracts and
    management contracts;
  • Participation in collective negotiations;
  • Forming a strategy and redefining goals in the procedures of resolving redundant
  • Terminations and cancellations of employment contracts. We provide a complete
    service from defining the basis of cancellation, preparing the necessary documentation;
  • Representation in labor law disputes and proceedings of amicable settlement of
  • Issues of international elements in labor law. We help clients to adapt business to domestic regulations, to regulate labor relations with elements of foreignness;
  • We advise clients and provide support in the procedures of obtaining temporary residence and work permits, prepare all the necessary documentation and monitor the administrative and employment status of foreigners in order to take the necessary steps in a timely manner.