May 2024

Vujinović & Partners

New Media Regulations Adopted by the Regulator

The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media adopted 15 by-laws of new regulations in the field of media, in accordance with Article 128 of the Law on Electronic Media.


Among the rules that for the first time define a new area in the domain of audiovisual media services, the Rulebook on Mandatory Measures of Service Providers of Video Content Sharing Platforms stands out. This rulebook regulates the measures that service providers of video content sharing platforms are obliged to apply and the way of keeping records of video content sharing platform service providers. Among other things, it is stated that service providers are obliged to establish and implement a system that allows users to determine the categorization of certain content that may be harmful to minors.


The Rulebook on obligations and criteria for the participation of European audiovisual works and the share of Serbian musical works in the programs of media service providers is also highlighted. This rulebook regulates the obligations and criteria for the participation of European audiovisual works and European audiovisual works of independent producers in the programs of television media service providers, the obligations of participation and the way of highlighting European audiovisual works in the programs of audiovisual media service providers at the request and shares of Serbian music works in the programs of media service providers. Article 4 of this rulebook stipulates that “the television media service provider is obliged to ensure that European audiovisual works participate in more than 50% of the total annual published program, half of which must be Serbian audiovisual works.”


The by-laws that were adopted are from the domain of protection of minors, urgent notification of the public about the disappearance of a minor, a list of the most important events, the implementation of prize competitions, an act on the transfer of a license and changes in the ownership structure, the amount and method of determining fees and fees for the provision of services. And at the same session of the Regulator, the Instruction on how to apply the provisions of the Law on Electronic Media, which regulates own production, was also adopted.


Vujinović & Partners specializes in the field audiovisual, creative sector, art, and media industries. Since we actively advise film and media producers, broadcasters, and other distributors of media content, you can anytime contact us at