August 2024

Vujinović & Partners

The New Strategy for the Development of AI Has Been Published

The Government of the Republic of Serbia presented the new Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy for the period from 2024 to 2030. In order to implement the Strategy, action plans are currently being prepared for a three-year period, and the adoption of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy is expected soon, which will be adopted within 90 days from the adoption of the Strategy.


The general goal of the new Strategy is to accelerate the development of national resources for the development of artificial intelligence in the economy and education, as well as the availability of artificial intelligence for all citizens.


The Strategy particularly emphasized as a measure in the development and integration of AI, the incentive of its application in creative industries.


The creative sector stimulus measure aims to stimulate the integration and innovative use of artificial intelligence in the creative industries, including design, music, film, digital media, visual arts, mobile and computer games. A program is also planned that will support the development of new AI tools that can help in the creation, analysis and distribution of creative content.


The mentioned measure, more specifically, includes: 1. encouraging research and development of AI technologies that can be used in creative processes, 2. financial support for startups and projects that investigate the application of AI in creative industries, 3. development of electronic historical libraries and virtual museums, 4 organizing workshops, seminars and conferences that bring together technological experts and creatives, 5. cooperation with universities and research centers for the development of courses that will educate creatives about the possibilities and advantages of using AI, and others.


Although a large number of laws, including the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as all laws regulating intellectual property, already have their application in the AI field, the Strategy expressly foresees the adoption of regulations that, in accordance with general trends in the world, aim to create legal framework, which will enable rapid development and application of innovations, but taking into account human rights and ethical standards and international conventions. When adopting the regulation, a significant level of monitoring and harmonizing it with international standards is foreseen, which should facilitate its commercialization.