April 2024

Vujinović & Partners

BEKOP Conference – About Law and Lawyers

Nikolina Vujinović, a partner at the law firm Vujinović & Partners, participated in the “Panel on Advocacy” on the last day of the three-day Belgrade Law Conference (BEKOP) held at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.


The “Panel on Advocacy,” held on April 21st, addressed the challenges in contemporary advocacy, with a particular focus on what young colleagues can expect at the beginning of their careers.


This year’s BEKOP had a rich and diverse program, which included panels on lawyers in business, mediation, arbitration, judiciary, and prosecution, among other topics. The popular conference carried the slogan “Usus est optimus magister – Experience is the best teacher,” and took place from April 19th to 21st.


BEKOP is primarily aimed at law students and graduates who want to learn firsthand about their future professions. Lecturers at BEKOP conferences are renowned experts in the fields of judiciary, prosecution, administration, advocacy, notarial and enforcement professions, arbitration, mediation, and legal experts in the fields of business, auditing firms, insurance, banking, etc.